Libertarian vs. Liberal: Economics, Freedom, and the Fight for Liberty

Libertarian vs. Liberal: Economics, Freedom, and the Fight for Liberty

The Libertarian vs. Liberal debate is confusing for some, but once you understand it, it’s clear as day. While both of these political thought processes have some areas that overlap, you’ll soon understand the fundamental differences between the…

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Negative vs. Positive Rights: Fundamentals and Criticisms

Negative vs. Positive Rights: Fundamentals and Criticisms

The difference between negative vs positive rights is that one requires action while the other requires inaction. Negative rights are the requirements of someone else not to interfere in your ability to obtain something. Positive rights are a…

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Classical Liberalism vs. Modern Liberalism: What’s the Difference?

Classical Liberalism vs. Modern Liberalism: What’s the Difference?

Has the definition of “liberal” changed over time? One of the more compelling debates in American intellectual circles concerns classical liberalism vs. modern liberalism. In American parlance, the word liberal is used reflexively, often without…

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Libertarian vs. Republican: How Different are these Two Political Groups?

Libertarian vs. Republican: How Different are these Two Political Groups?

Are Republicans and Libertarians two peas in a pod? Political commentators have led many students of American politics to believe that the two groups have tons in common. After all, they usually want to keep the government’s greedy paws from…

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Agorism vs. Anarcho Capitalism for Dummies

Agorism vs. Anarcho Capitalism for Dummies

Talking about libertarian politics will likely leave many people confused. It’s no secret that libertarians have fierce independent streaks, which makes it next to impossible for them to organize in large groups. Large splinter factions abound, all…

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Libertarianism vs. Anarchism: The Debate You Won’t Find on TV

Libertarianism vs. Anarchism: The Debate You Won’t Find on TV

Are libertarians really just anarchists? Political debates are often filled with ad hominem attacks, bold assertions with dubious intellectual merits, and commentary designed to evoke outrage. Radical ideologies such as libertarianism are usually…

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