Wisdom vs. Knowledge: How To Guarantee Success In The Digital Age
In Robert Greene's book, The 50th Law, he presents us with a story. This tale about the Greek philosopher Socrates gives us a little glimpse into what it means to be wise and, perhaps more importantly, what it means to be fooled by the illusion of…
Rich vs. Wealthy: What’s the Difference and Which One Do You Really Want?
In an interview with Kyla Scanlon, the NYU professor, entrepreneur, and author Scott Galloway gave a very straightforward and foundational definition of wealth. He said:
Inequality vs. Unfairness: Why Does Everyone Get It Wrong
Most people tend to conflate inequality…
Knowledge vs. True Opinion: How To Determine if What You Believe Is Worth Defending
How do you become more confident and…
Craftsman Mindset vs. Passion Mindset: Why “Following Your Passion” is Bad Career Advice
All my life I’ve been given the…