Indoctrination is the process of inculcating a person with a set of beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors that are not based on critical thought or reason. It can take many forms, such as propaganda, censorship, and fear-mongering. A twisting of information and facts used to control or manipulate people, its negative impacts on society can be felt for generations.

There are many dangers associated with indoctrination. One of the most serious is that it can lead to people being unable to think critically for themselves. When people are indoctrinated, they are taught to accept certain beliefs or ideas without question. This can make them vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation by those who would seek to control them.

Another danger of indoctrination is that it can lead to people developing cognitive biases. Cognitive biases are errors in thinking that can lead to faulty judgments and decisions. Some common cognitive biases include confirmation bias, anchoring bias, and availability heuristic.

Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs, and to ignore or dismiss information that contradicts them. Anchoring bias is the tendency to rely too heavily on the first information we are given when making a decision. Availability heuristic is the tendency to make judgments based on information that is easily available to us, even if it is not necessarily accurate or relevant.

Thanks to social media all three of these forms of cognitive bias have been exacerbated, algorithms have created echo chambers that we regularly seek information and affirmation from on a daily basis. We only see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear.

The collection of quotes below highlights the dangers of indoctrination. It includes quotes from some of history’s most deplorable despots showing the evil of indoctrination, as well as free thinkers, such as Baruch Spinoza, to show how one should be aware of indoctrination and fight against it. Question what the mainstream media and your FYP feeds you in terms of information. Do your research, educate yourself, and most importantly be open-minded, allow your beliefs to be challenged and changed when appropriate.


Baruch Spinoza

“Academies that are founded at public expense are instituted not so much to cultivate men’s natural abilities as to restrain them.”

– Baruch Spinoza

Baruch Spinoza on Indoctrination Quotes

Baruch Spinoza’s quote suggests a critical perspective on the nature and purpose of academies funded by the public. It implies that such institutions are not primarily geared towards nurturing individuals’ innate talents and creativity, but rather towards controlling or limiting them. This viewpoint challenges the conventional notion of education as a means of fostering personal growth and development, highlighting the potential for institutional agendas to shape and constrain human potential.

Bernhard Rust

“The whole function of education is to create Nazis.”

– Bernhard Rust, minster of education in Nazi Germany

Bernhard Rust on Indoctrination Quotes

Bernhard Rust’s quote is a chilling statement that underscores the sinister intentions behind the Nazi regime’s approach to education. It suggests that education was not seen as a means to foster critical thinking, compassion, or individuality, but rather as a tool to indoctrinate and mold young minds into adherents of Nazi ideology. This quote serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of manipulative education systems that prioritize conformity and allegiance to a totalitarian regime over genuine learning and intellectual freedom.

Adolf Hitler

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”

– Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler on Indoctrination Quotes

Adolf Hitler’s quote epitomizes the insidious manipulation of young minds for ideological control. It highlights the significance of influencing the youth, recognizing that whoever shapes their beliefs and values ultimately controls the direction of future generations. This quote serves as a chilling reminder of the power dynamics at play in authoritarian regimes and the importance of safeguarding education from manipulation for nefarious agendas.

Ivan Illich

“School is the advertising agency which makes you believe you need the society as it is.”

– Ivan Illich

Ivan Illich on Indoctrination Quotes

Ivan Illich’s quote succinctly captures the critical perspective on the role of traditional schooling in shaping societal norms and expectations. It suggests that the education system serves to perpetuate and promote the existing social order, convincing individuals that they require conformity to societal norms for their success and well-being. This quote prompts reflection on the influence of education in conditioning individuals to accept and perpetuate the status quo rather than challenging it.

Joseph Stalin

“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”

– Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin on Indoctrination Quotes

Joseph Stalin’s quote encapsulates the dual nature of education as a tool that can be used for both empowerment and control. It highlights the profound influence wielded by those in power over the dissemination of knowledge and the shaping of minds. This quote serves as a stark reminder of the potential for education to be manipulated to serve the agenda of those in authority, underscoring the importance of critically examining the intentions behind educational systems and practices.

Karl Marx

“The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions.”

– Karl Marx

Karl Marx on Indoctrination Quotes

Karl Marx’s quote advocates for state-controlled education from an early age, emphasizing the idea of collective upbringing and education within state institutions rather than individual or familial guidance. It reflects Marx’s vision of a society where education serves as a means of instilling socialist values and fostering unity among citizens. This quote underscores the importance of education as a tool for shaping societal norms and values according to political ideologies.

Charles Darwin

“…it is worthy of remark that a belief constantly inculcated during the early years of life, whilst the brain is impressionable, appears to acquire almost the nature of an instinct; and the very essence of an instinct is that it is followed independently of reason.”

– Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man

Charles Darwin on Indoctrination Quotes

Charles Darwin’s quote reflects on the profound influence of early childhood education in shaping beliefs and behaviors. It suggests that beliefs ingrained during formative years become deeply rooted, resembling instincts in their automatic and unthinking adherence. This insight underscores the importance of critical examination and scrutiny in education to ensure that beliefs are founded on rational inquiry rather than unquestioned acceptance.

Bertrand Russell

“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”

– Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society

Bertrand Russell on Indoctrination Quotes

Bertrand Russell’s quote highlights the potential dangers of state-controlled measures such as diet, injections, and injunctions in shaping individuals’ beliefs and behaviors from a young age. It suggests that such interventions could lead to the creation of a compliant population incapable of questioning authority or critiquing the status quo. This quote serves as a cautionary reminder of the manipulative power of authoritarian regimes and the importance of safeguarding individual autonomy and critical thinking in education and societal structures.

G.K. Chesterton

“Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.”

– G.K. Chesterton

G.K. Chesterton on Indoctrination Quotes

G.K. Chesterton’s quote humorously suggests the potential folly of placing undue trust in educated individuals without considering the broader context of their knowledge and perspective. It underscores the importance of critical thinking and discernment, cautioning against blind deference to educated opinions without thoughtful scrutiny. This quote prompts reflection on the limitations of education and the need for balanced judgment in assessing the credibility of individuals based on their level of education.

Aldous Huxley

“One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.”

– Aldous HuxleyBrave New World

Aldous Huxley on Indoctrination Quotes

Aldous Huxley’s quote encapsulates the concept of conditioning and its influence on belief systems. It suggests that individuals come to accept certain beliefs not necessarily because of their inherent truth or validity, but because they have been systematically conditioned or indoctrinated to do so. This quote provokes reflection on the power of socialization and external influences in shaping our perceptions and convictions.

Richard Dawkins

“Do not indoctrinate your children. Teach them how to think for themselves, how to evaluate evidence, and how to disagree with you.”

– Richard DawkinsThe God Delusion

Richard Dawkins on Indoctrination Quotes

Richard Dawkins’ quote advocates for fostering critical thinking skills in children rather than indoctrinating them with predetermined beliefs. It emphasizes the importance of encouraging independent thought, evidence evaluation, and respectful disagreement. This quote underscores the value of empowering individuals, especially children, to develop their own perspectives and question authority, promoting intellectual autonomy and open-mindedness.

Neal Shusterman

“The sad truth about humanity… is that people believe what they’re told. Maybe not the first time, but by the hundredth time, the craziest of ideas just becomes a given.”

– Neal ShustermanUnWholly

Neal Shusterman on Indoctrination Quotes

Neal Shusterman’s quote poignantly highlights the tendency of humanity to accept ideas through repetition, regardless of their rationality or validity. It suggests that frequent exposure to certain beliefs or narratives can lead individuals to internalize them, even if they initially seem implausible. This quote serves as a cautionary reminder of the power of repetition in shaping perceptions and beliefs, urging critical examination and skepticism in the face of pervasive ideas.

Gillian Flynn

“My dad had limitations. That’s what my good-hearted mom always told us. He had limitations, but he meant no harm. It was kind of her to say, but he did do harm.”

– Gillian FlynnGone Girl

Gillian Flynn on Indoctrination Quotes

Gillian Flynn’s quote delves into the complexity of familial relationships, acknowledging the flaws and limitations of loved ones while also recognizing the harm they may cause. It reflects the nuance of understanding and forgiveness within families, juxtaposing the well-intentioned perspective of a compassionate mother with the harsh reality of the harm inflicted by the father. This quote prompts reflection on the intricacies of familial dynamics and the impact of individual actions within those relationships.

Hermann Goering

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

– Hermann GoeringGermany Reborn

Hermann Goering on Indoctrination Quotes

Hermann Goering’s quote sheds light on the manipulative tactics used by leaders to control populations, highlighting the ease with which fear and patriotism can be exploited. It underscores the universal nature of such tactics, emphasizing their effectiveness regardless of cultural or political context. This quote serves as a sobering reminder of the power of propaganda and fear-mongering in influencing public opinion and rallying support for divisive agendas.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Most people do not have a problem with you thinking for yourself, as long as your conclusions are the same as or at least compatible with their beliefs.”

– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana on Indoctrination Quotes

Mokokoma Mokhonoana’s quote succinctly captures the paradox of individual thought within societal norms. It suggests that while autonomy in thinking is generally accepted, diverging conclusions may face resistance if they challenge established beliefs. This quote prompts reflection on the complexities of intellectual freedom and the pressures to conform within social circles.

Hypathia of Alexandria

“Fables should be taught as fables, myths as myths, and miracles as poetic fancies. To teach superstitions as truths is a most terrible thing. The child mind accepts and believes them, and only through great pain and perhaps tragedy can he be in after years relieved of them. In fact, men will fight for a superstition quite as quickly as for a living truth — often more so, since a superstition is so intangible you cannot get at it to refute it, but truth is a point of view, and so is changeable.”

– Hypathia of Alexandria

Alexandria on Indoctrination Quotes

Hypatia of Alexandria’s quote advocates for the importance of teaching critical thinking and distinguishing between allegorical stories and factual truths. It warns against the dangers of presenting superstitions as undeniable truths, emphasizing the lasting impact on young minds and the difficulty of challenging deeply ingrained beliefs. This quote underscores the need for education that encourages questioning and rational inquiry, rather than blind acceptance of dogma.

 Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“A ‘normal person’ is what is left after society has squeezed out all unconventional opinions and aspirations out of a human being.”

– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

 Mokokoma Mokhonoana on Indoctrination Quotes

Mokokoma Mokhonoana’s quote offers a thought-provoking reflection on the concept of normalcy within society. It suggests that societal pressures often suppress individuality and unconventional thinking, leaving behind a standard, conforming “normal person.” This quote encourages contemplation on the conformity and homogenization prevalent in society, prompting consideration of the value of embracing individuality and diversity of thought.

 Mark Twain

“When even the brightest mind in our world has been trained up from childhood in a superstition of any kind, it will never be possible for that mind, in its maturity, to examine sincerely, dispassionately, and conscientiously any evidence or any circumstance which shall seem to cast a doubt upon the validity of that superstition. I doubt if I could do it myself.”

– Mark TwainThe Autobiography of Mark Twain

 Mark Twain on Indoctrination Quotes

Mark Twain’s quote delves into the challenge of overcoming deeply ingrained beliefs, particularly those instilled since childhood. It suggests that even the most brilliant minds may struggle to objectively assess evidence that contradicts their long-held superstitions or beliefs. This quote serves as a reminder of the formidable influence of upbringing and societal conditioning on individual perspectives, highlighting the difficulty of embracing skepticism and critical thinking in the face of entrenched beliefs.