Public speaking is an important skill to exercise. Not only does it make you more convincing, it also is effectively training for your daily charisma, as well as a way to give yourself a serious confidence boost.

The power of speech is the power of persuasion, something that those seeking to change the world should practice. Speech should improve upon the silence in every case and practicing your speech — as well as learning to restrict it when it is not totally necessary — is an area of exercise that often does not receive as much attention as it ought to.

It is easy to denigrate speech as “mere words,” but speech is itself an action. One need only look at the rousing speeches of charismatic men from community leaders to nefarious dictators to understand the degree to which speech isn’t “mere words.” It has the power to change the world far and beyond the written word.

If you remain unconvinced of the power of speech, we recommend reading the following quotes on the subject. Not only will they demonstrate just how powerful the spoken word is, we hope they will motivate you to begin working on your own faculties of speech to reap all the benefits that come with that.


Quotes About Delivering a Speech Well

Mark Twain

“It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.”

– Mark Twain

Mark Twain on Speech Quotes

Mark Twain’s humorous quote highlights the paradoxical nature of impromptu speeches. Despite their seemingly spontaneous delivery, crafting a compelling impromptu speech often requires considerable preparation and thought. Twain’s remark underscores the importance of thorough planning and preparation even in seemingly spontaneous situations.


Mark Twain

“The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.”

– Mark Twain

Mark Twain on Speech Quotes

Mark Twain’s quote emphasizes the power of timing in communication. While the right word can be impactful, Twain suggests that a well-timed pause can be even more effective in conveying meaning and commanding attention. This highlights the significance of silence as a strategic element in effective communication, allowing for reflection, emphasis, and anticipation in speech delivery.


Ayn Rand

“No speech is ever considered, but only the speaker. It’s so much easier to pass judgement on a man than on an idea.”

– Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

Ayn Rand on Speech Quotes

In “The Fountainhead,” Ayn Rand highlights the tendency for people to judge speakers rather than ideas. The quote suggests that individuals often focus more on critiquing the person delivering a speech rather than engaging with the substance of the ideas presented. This observation underscores the challenge of separating personal biases or preconceptions from the evaluation of intellectual concepts, emphasizing the importance of critically examining ideas on their own merits rather than relying solely on the reputation or character of the speaker.


Winston Churchill

“A good speech should be like a woman’s skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.”

– Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill on Speech Quotes

Winston Churchill’s analogy humorously suggests that a good speech should strike a balance: long enough to cover the subject matter thoroughly but short enough to maintain the audience’s interest. Just as a skirt should be long enough to provide proper coverage but short enough to be stylish and captivating, a speech should delve into its topic without overstaying its welcome, keeping listeners engaged and focused.


Winston Churchill

“If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time – a tremendous whack.”

– Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill on Speech Quotes

Churchill’s quote emphasizes the importance of clarity and emphasis in communication. He advocates for directness and repetition to drive home important points effectively. likening it to the forceful blows of a pile driver, ensuring that the message is not only understood but remembered.


Gustave Flaubert

“Speech is a rolling-mill that always thins out the sentiment.”

– Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary

Gustave Flaubert on Speech Quotes

Flaubert’s quote suggests that speech, like a rolling mill, has the tendency to dilute or weaken the intensity of sentiment or emotion. It implies that verbal expression often fails to capture the full depth or impact of feelings or ideas, suggesting a limitation in the conveyance of true emotional depth through words.


Mozart Wolgang Amadeus

“To talk well and eloquently is a very great art, but that an equally great one is to know the right moment to stop.”

– Mozart Wolgang Amadeus

Mozart Wolgang Amadeus on Speech Quotes

Mozart’s quote emphasizes the art of effective communication, highlighting not only the skill of speaking eloquently but also the importance of knowing when to conclude. It suggests that mastery in communication involves not only delivering a message with skill but also recognizing the appropriate moment to bring it to a close, thereby leaving a lasting impact on the listener.


Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson on Speech Quotes

Emerson’s quote underscores the potency of speech as a tool for influence and persuasion. It encapsulates the idea that speech possesses the power to convince, transform beliefs, and exert a compelling force on others, highlighting its pivotal role in shaping opinions and driving action.


Charles Bukowski

“that your power of command

with simple language was

one of the magnificent things of

our century.”

– Charles Bukowski, “Result”

Charles Bukowski on Speech Quotes

Bukowski’s quote celebrates the profound impact of commanding language expressed through simplicity. It lauds the ability to wield linguistic power effectively with uncomplicated words, suggesting that such mastery is a remarkable feat of the modern era.


Dale Carnegie

“There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.”

– Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie on Speech Quotes

Dale Carnegie’s quote encapsulates the multifaceted nature of public speaking. It highlights the preparation, delivery, and reflection phases of giving a speech, acknowledging that what is practiced, presented, and desired to be communicated may differ, revealing the complexity and nuance of effective communication.


Lao Tzu

“A good traveler leaves no tracks. Good speech lacks fault-finding.”

– Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu on Speech Quotes

Lao Tzu’s quote emphasizes the virtue of subtlety and diplomacy. Like a skilled traveler who leaves no trace of their passage, effective communication should be devoid of criticism and fault-finding. Instead, it should be gentle, leaving a positive impact without leaving behind a trail of negativity.


Henry David Thoreau

“Speech is for the convenience of those who are hard of hearing; but there are many fine things which we cannot say if we have to shout.”

– Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau on Speech Quote

Thoreau’s quote highlights the limitation of speech when it’s used merely to accommodate those who struggle to hear. He suggests that shouting restricts the expression of nuanced and profound ideas, emphasizing the importance of subtlety and depth in communication over mere volume.


Dionysius the Elder

“Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent.”

– Dionysius the Elder

Dionysius the Elder on Speech Quote

Dionysius the Elder’s quote emphasizes the profound significance of speech in human interaction. It urges individuals to ensure that their words are meaningful, constructive, and worthy of expression. By stating that speech should be better than silence, Dionysius highlights the responsibility that comes with communication. He suggests that speech should add value, convey important messages, and contribute positively to the discourse. However, if one cannot meet this standard, silence may be preferable. This notion underscores the power and impact of words, urging individuals to use them wisely and purposefully.



“Men employ speech only to conceal their thoughts.”

– Voltaire

Voltaire on Speech Quote

Voltaire’s quote succinctly captures the cynical view of human communication, suggesting that people often use speech not to express their true thoughts but to obscure or manipulate them. It reflects a skepticism about the honesty and transparency of language, implying that there is often a disconnect between what individuals say and what they truly think or intend. This perspective prompts reflection on the complexity of human interaction and the role of language in shaping perceptions and relationships.


Quotes About Breaking the Ice and Starting a Speech Well

Jim Rohn

“Did you hear what the cow said to the farmer on a cold winter morning? Thanks for the warm hand…Anyway, it’s gonna get better, so don’t panic on me. You gotta start small.”

– Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn on Speech Quote

Jim Rohn’s quote humorously illustrates the idea of finding comfort in difficult situations by emphasizing the importance of staying optimistic and starting small. The joke about the cow thanking the farmer for warmth on a cold morning highlights the need to appreciate small gestures of kindness, even in challenging times. The phrase “You gotta start small” serves as a reminder to focus on taking gradual steps forward, regardless of the circumstances, suggesting that progress and improvement are achievable through perseverance and a positive mindset.


Jim Rohn

“Motivation alone is not enough. If you have an idiot and you motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot.”

– Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn on Speech Quote

Jim Rohn’s quote humorously emphasizes the limitations of motivation alone. It suggests that motivation, without proper guidance or intelligence, can lead to ineffective outcomes. The phrase “motivated idiot” serves as a metaphor for individuals who lack the necessary skills or intelligence to utilize motivation effectively. It underscores the importance of combining motivation with education, skills, and intelligence to achieve meaningful results.


Yiddish proverb

“If you’re looking for a helping hand, there’s one at the end of your arm.”

– Yiddish proverb

Yiddish proverb on Speech Quote

The Yiddish proverb suggests self-reliance and empowerment, indicating that individuals have the capability to solve their own problems or achieve their goals without always relying on external assistance. It emphasizes the importance of self-initiative and resourcefulness, implying that individuals possess the tools and abilities within themselves to overcome challenges or accomplish tasks.


Mark Twain

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

– Mark Twain

Mark Twain on Speech Quote

Mark Twain’s quote underscores the significance of self-discovery and purpose in life. It highlights the transformative nature of realizing one’s true calling or reason for existence, suggesting that it is a pivotal moment that shapes one’s journey and defines their sense of fulfillment and direction. The quote prompts reflection on the profound impact of understanding one’s purpose and the journey towards finding it.


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship

Goethe on Speech Quote

Goethe’s quote emphasizes the importance of nourishing the soul with beauty and wisdom on a daily basis. It suggests that engaging with art, literature, and meaningful conversation is essential for personal growth and well-being. The quote encourages a balanced approach to life, where the pursuit of intellectual and aesthetic pleasures enriches the human experience and fosters a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.