People often talk about what they “deserve.” But what does this really mean? What do we “deserve” in life?

There is a tension in the word “deserve.” On the one hand, aspiring to be deserving of what we want makes us better people, not to mention being far more likely to get what we want. On the other hand, feeling that we “deserve” this or that can lead to a sense of entitlement in life. We should strive to be worthy of what we desire, but without feeling short changed when we do not get what we feel that we “deserve.”

What’s more, we should not feel put out when we do not receive the recognition we feel we deserve. It is important to act as if no one is watching us, to seek achievement, aspire to excellence and to commit good deeds for their own sake, rather than the accolades of the crowd, which are fleeting.

In the final analysis, there is no better reward than the feeling of achievement, progress and self-actualization. It is only when we realize that the validation we receive from the self is the highest form of praise that we begin to properly appreciate the accolades that come from outside.

Here are some of our favorite quotes about what we deserve and the place of external praise, from some of the most accomplished figures in human history.


Quotes About Deserving Things in Life

Charlie Munger

“To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.”

Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger on Deserving Quotes

In this insightful quote, renowned investor Charlie Munger underscores the importance of merit and deservingness in achieving one’s goals. He suggests that true success isn’t simply handed out arbitrarily but is earned through effort, competence, and integrity. Munger highlights the reality that the world operates on principles of fairness and meritocracy, where rewards are typically reserved for those who have demonstrated their worthiness through their actions and contributions. This quote serves as a reminder that to attain one’s desires, it’s essential to cultivate the qualities and abilities that warrant such rewards, as the world doesn’t often favor the undeserving.

Charlie Munger

“How to find a good spouse? The best single way is to deserve a good spouse.”

Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger on Deserving Quotes

Charlie Munger’s quote encapsulates the essence of finding a fulfilling partnership: deserving one. He emphasizes that the key to discovering a quality spouse lies not in seeking them out directly, but rather in cultivating oneself to be deserving of such a partner. Munger implies that qualities like kindness, integrity, and personal growth attract compatible individuals. Rather than focusing solely on external characteristics, Munger suggests that investing in self-improvement and becoming a person of substance increases the likelihood of attracting a suitable life partner. This quote offers a profound insight into the importance of self-development in fostering meaningful relationships.


“Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.”


Aristotle on Deserving Quotes

Aristotle’s quote delves into the essence of dignity, asserting that it’s not merely about holding titles or accolades but about being worthy of them. He suggests that true dignity emanates from one’s character, actions, and virtues rather than external recognition. In essence, it’s the internal qualities that define a person’s worth, not the external trappings of success. By emphasizing the importance of deserving honors rather than merely possessing them, Aristotle highlights the significance of integrity, excellence, and moral goodness in the pursuit of a dignified life. This timeless wisdom underscores the value of inner virtue over outward status.

G.K. Chesterton

“There is no way in which a man can earn a star or deserve a sunset.”

G.K. Chesterton

G.K. Chesterton on Deserving Quotes

G.K. Chesterton’s quote encapsulates the intrinsic beauty and wonder of the natural world. He suggests that certain phenomena, like stars and sunsets, transcend human effort or merit. No matter how hard one may strive, they cannot “earn” a star or “deserve” a sunset in the conventional sense. Instead, these breathtaking elements of nature are gifts freely given to all, regardless of their actions or achievements. Chesterton’s words serve as a reminder of the awe-inspiring magnificence of the universe and the humbling realization that some of life’s most extraordinary experiences are beyond human control or attainment.

Roy T. Bennett

“Make the most of what you have and keep your standards high. Never settle for anything less than you deserve or are capable of achieving.”

Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett on Deserving Quotes

Roy T. Bennett’s quote encapsulates the essence of striving for excellence while appreciating one’s current circumstances. He advocates for maximizing the potential of one’s resources and abilities while maintaining unwavering standards. Bennett emphasizes the importance of self-worth and refusing to accept mediocrity, urging individuals to reach for what they truly deserve and are capable of attaining. By embracing a mindset of continuous improvement and refusing to settle for less, one can unleash their full potential and live a life aligned with their aspirations. This quote serves as a powerful reminder to pursue excellence and never compromise on one’s dreams.

Ayn Rand

“Fransisco, you’re some kind of very high nobility, aren’t you?” He answered, “Not yet. The reason my family has lasted for such a long time is that none of us has ever been permitted to think he is born a d’Anconia. We are expected to become one.”

Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

Ayn Rand on Deserving Quotes

In this excerpt from Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged,” Fransisco d’Anconia shatters the notion of entitlement and privilege associated with his family name. Despite his lineage, Fransisco rejects the idea of inherent nobility, emphasizing that true greatness must be earned rather than inherited. He underscores the ethos of meritocracy within the d’Anconia family, where members are challenged to embody the values and virtues associated with their name. By highlighting the importance of personal achievement over pedigree, Rand illustrates a profound theme of individual responsibility and self-actualization, suggesting that true nobility stems from the relentless pursuit of excellence and integrity.

Max Weber

“The fortunate man is seldom satisfied with the fact of being fortunate, beyond this he needs to know that he has a right to his good fortune. He wants to be convinced he deserves it and above all that he deserves it in comparison with others. Good fortune, thus wants to be legitimate fortune.”

Max Weber

Max Weber on Deserving Quotes

Max Weber’s quote delves into the psychology of fortune and satisfaction. He observes that merely being fortunate isn’t enough for most individuals; they also seek validation and justification for their good fortune. This validation often comes from feeling deserving of their luck, especially in comparison to others. Weber suggests that people desire their good fortune to be seen as legitimate, not just a stroke of luck. This desire for legitimacy reflects deeper human needs for fairness and justification, highlighting the complex interplay between fortune, self-worth, and societal comparison in shaping individual perceptions of success.

American Proverb

“You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.”

American Proverb

American Proverb on Deserving Quotes

This succinct American proverb encapsulates a timeless truth about the relationship between compensation and quality. It suggests that if you offer low wages or compensation, you shouldn’t expect to attract or retain top talent. The phrase uses a humorous analogy, comparing employees to monkeys, to emphasize the point that investing in quality typically yields better results. It serves as a reminder to businesses and individuals alike that cutting corners on expenses like salaries often leads to subpar outcomes. Ultimately, the quote underscores the value of fair compensation in attracting skilled and motivated individuals to achieve success.

Elizabeth Gilbert

“Plant an expectation; reap a disappointment.”

Elizabeth Gilbert, quoting an old proverb

Elizabeth Gilbert on Deserving Quotes

Elizabeth Gilbert, quoting an old proverb, succinctly captures the potential pitfalls of high expectations in this quote. By likening expectations to seeds planted in soil, she highlights their power to shape our experiences. When we set lofty expectations, we create fertile ground for disappointment if reality falls short. This proverb serves as a cautionary reminder to approach situations with realistic outlooks, tempering our expectations to align with the uncertainties of life. It underscores the importance of cultivating resilience and adaptability, recognizing that while hope and anticipation are essential, excessive expectations can lead to disillusionment.

Tony Robbins

“You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you tolerate.”

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins on Deserving Quotes

Tony Robbins’ quote encapsulates a powerful insight into personal empowerment and accountability. He emphasizes that what individuals ultimately receive in life isn’t necessarily determined by what they inherently deserve but rather by what they’re willing to tolerate. By highlighting the role of tolerance, Robbins underscores the importance of setting and enforcing boundaries in all aspects of life, whether in relationships, career, or personal development. This quote serves as a call to action, urging individuals to raise their standards and refuse to accept less than they truly desire or deserve. It underscores the transformative power of self-respect and assertiveness in shaping one’s destiny.

Will Durant

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Will Durant

Will Durant on Deserving Quotes

Will Durant’s quote encapsulates the essence of excellence as a product of consistent behavior. By asserting that we are defined by our repetitive actions, he suggests that excellence isn’t merely an isolated event but rather a habitual way of living and working. Durant emphasizes the significance of daily practices and routines in shaping our character and achievements. This quote serves as a reminder that excellence isn’t achieved overnight; it’s cultivated through disciplined effort and dedication over time. By embracing excellence as a habit, individuals can strive for continuous improvement and ultimately realize their full potential in all aspects of life.

Henry Kissinger

“A leader does not deserve the name unless he is willing occasionally to stand alone.”

Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger on Deserving Quotes

Henry Kissinger’s quote speaks to the essence of leadership and the courage required to make difficult decisions. He suggests that true leadership involves the willingness to stand firm in one’s convictions, even if it means standing alone at times. This implies that leaders must possess the strength of character to withstand opposition or dissent when they believe in the righteousness of their cause. By emphasizing the occasional need for solitude in leadership, Kissinger underscores the importance of independence, integrity, and the ability to make tough choices for the greater good, regardless of popular opinion.


“They should live all together on an equal footing; merit to be their only road to eminence, and the disgrace of evil, and credit of worthy acts, their one measure of difference between man and man.”


Plutarch on Deserving Quotes

Plutarch’s quote advocates for a society where equality is upheld through meritocracy and moral integrity. He envisions a community where individuals coexist without social hierarchy, with merit being the sole pathway to distinction. Plutarch emphasizes that one’s worth should be determined solely by their actions: the condemnation of wrongdoing and the recognition of virtuous deeds serving as the sole differentiators among people. This vision promotes a just and fair society, where individuals are judged not by their status or background, but by their character and contributions to the collective good.

Jeffery R. Holland

“Expecting a trouble-free life because you are a good person is like expecting the bull not to charge you because you are a vegetarian.”

Jeffery R. Holland

Jeffery R. Holland on Deserving Quotes

Jeffery R. Holland’s quote offers a poignant analogy, highlighting the unrealistic nature of expecting a trouble-free life solely based on one’s moral character. By likening this expectation to a vegetarian expecting immunity from a charging bull, he underscores the unpredictability of life’s challenges. Holland suggests that goodness doesn’t exempt individuals from facing difficulties or adversity. Instead, he implies that such challenges are inherent to the human experience and can’t be avoided through virtue alone. This quote serves as a reminder that resilience, rather than avoidance, is key to navigating life’s obstacles, regardless of one’s moral standing.