Networking Quotes: Quotes That’ll Inspire You To Connect With People

In a world that’s increasingly interconnected, the value of networking cannot be overstated. Networking goes beyond mere socializing; it’s a strategic art of building relationships that can open doors, foster collaborations, and drive personal and professional growth. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a professional, or simply someone looking to expand your horizons, networking is a powerful tool in your arsenal.

To ignite your networking aspirations, we’ve curated a collection of insightful and inspirational quotes that shed light on the art and importance of networking. These quotes, from thinkers, business leaders, and visionaries, offer wisdom that transcends industries and applies to anyone seeking to make meaningful connections.

As you delve into this compilation, let these networking quotes serve as a source of motivation and guidance, pushing you to reach out, engage, and enrich your network. Each quote is a testament to the profound impact that well-established relationships can have on your personal and professional life.

So, whether you’re looking to expand your social circle, grow your business, or simply learn more about the art of connecting, we invite you to explore these networking quotes. They may just be the catalyst you need to take your networking skills to the next level.

Monroe Mann

“True networking does not mean meeting people; it means becoming the type of person other people want to meet.”

― Monroe Mann

Monroe Mann on Networking Quotes

Adam Grant

“Being a giver is not good for a 100-yard dash, but it’s valuable in a marathon.”

― Adam Grant

Adam Grant on Networking Quotes

Jarod Kintz

“Networking is more quality, and less quantity. It’s better to form a solid connection with one new person, than a liquid connection with ten. You don’t want people to think you drink too much.”

Jarod Kintz

Jarod Kintz on Networking Quotes

Michele Jennae

“Networking means the act of exchanging information with people who can help you professionally.”

Michele Jennae

Michele Jennae on Networking Quotes

“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.”

Michele Jennae

Michele Jennae on Networking Quotes

Steve Jobs

“Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.”

― Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs on Networking Quotes

Seth Godin

“Networking that matters is helping people achieve their goals.”

― Seth Godin

Seth Godin on Networking Quotes

Robert T. Kiyosaki

“If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there.”

― Robert T. Kiyosaki

Robert T. Kiyosaki on Networking Quotes

Dale Carnegie

“You can close more business in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you.”

Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie on Networking Quotes

Zig Ziglar

“If people like you they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you they’ll do business with you.”

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar on Networking Quotes

Armstrong Williams

“Networking is an essential part of building wealth.”

Armstrong Williams

Armstrong Williams on Networking Quotes

Diane Helbig

“Networking is an investment in your business. It takes time and when done correctly can yield great results for years to come.”

 Diane Helbig

Diane Helbig on Networking Quotes

Harvey Mackay

“My Golden Rule of Networking is simple: Don’t keep score.”

Harvey Mackay

Harvey Mackay on Networking Quotes

Vijay Antony

“Of course, social networking is essential. The feedback helps me grow.”

 Vijay Antony

Vijay Antony on Networking Quotes

Beth Ramsay

“All the time and effort put into networking can be all for naught if there is no follow-through. The same goes for sales. And leadership. And well, everything.”

Beth Ramsay

Beth Ramsay on Networking Quotes